  • Perfect carnelians bonuses statistic (here)


How to install patch
  • 0. Download and install 7z.
  • 1. Extract archive content into game installation directory with file replace.
  • 2. That's all...
  • Video tutorial

How to use fast game starter
  • 1. Download it
  • 2. Put it into Bug War 2 installation directory.
  • 3. Create shortcut on it and run it. It will ask what server you want to connect at first startup and remember it for later.
  • Video tutorial

How to start game without admin rights
  • 1. Copy downloaded BAT file into game installation directory.
  • 2. Drag update.exe on that BAT to run the game...
  • Video tutorial

Current patch features:
  • Renamed Centaur to Elf because... it elves.
  • Changed Max spell X to Spell lvl+X.
  • Changed Neglect spell resistance X to Spell pierce +X>, so you can see full gear stats.
  • Changed stupid text lines like s'pet obtained 66 exp to Your pet got 66 exp and corrected others shit.
  • Added space symbols where it needed in combat log, so now [name] used skill upon [name] instead of [name] used skill upon[name].
  • Renamed Spell Resistance Value to Spell Resistance to made holies info shorter, so we can see full item stats when clicking on link.
  • Best coagent from same PC.
  • Ani ON / OFF switch on the fly by simple F12 key press.
  • Renamed skills to spells because... it spells.
  • Complete spells descriptions retranstaltion... I think original translator was drunk.
  • Characters creation menu remade to include Elf, instead of Centaur.
  • Changed Female Elf's stupid spell name 'Unchaos' to 'Break Stun'.
  • Renamed Reflect and Repel to P - Mirror and M - Mirror.
  • Retranslated character creation texts.
  • Removed 99 999 999 limit on gold transfers. Now you can transfer 1 billion (that leads to end of gold scams).
  • Added possibility to view target's HP by F10 press or dump whole enemies group HP info to file by pressing F11.
  • Auto fight time expanded up to 39 days.
  • Possibility to set item price up to 1 billion in shop.
  • Possibility to (put / grab) up to 1 billion (to / from) bank.
  • Autopotting feature by F9 press (may help for survival leaders, since they can't restore health or mana because of dialog popup).
  • Possibility to supress popup messages (I don't think anyone ever need this, aside of one person and it disabled by default).
  • Possibility to hide / restore game dialogs by Pause key press (so survival leaders can switch pets).
  • Disabled cyclical reading of file that never change. This speedup the game a bit, but... probably I break some feature by disabling it.
  • Patch autoupdate feature (since v0.4.3).
  • A better update system which now allows to cancel update when other MW windows already running (since v0.5.2).
  • Your login displayed in main window title (since v0.5.2). To disable it add "DISPLAY_LOGIN_IN_MAIN_WINDOW = NO" line into PATCH_CONFIG.txt (since v0.5.3).
  • Disabled teleporting mouse pointer at game startup (since v0.5.3).
  • Save chat log into files (chat_logs directory) (since v0.5.4). To disable it add "SAVE_CHAT_LOG = NO" line into PATCH_CONFIG.txt.
  • Pet autopotting feature (since v0.5.5). Config lines to add: RESTORE_PET_HEALTH_IF_DROP_BELOW_THIS_PRC and RESTORE_PET_MANA_IF_DROP_BELOW_THIS_PRC.
  • Possibility to send roll reports to carnelians statistic page (since v0.5.8). If you want to keep you rolls in secret, then add DO_ROLL_REPORTS = FALSE config line or roll from bags other than first.

Patch controls:
  • F9: Enable or disable autopotting
  • F10: View target's HP
  • F11: Dump enemies HP info to file
  • F12: Spell animation ON / OFF
  • Pause: Hide / Restore game dialog
  • Control + R: Reload config (some features will not reload anyway...)
  • Control + L: Open chat log file
  • Control + F1: Visit this site

Bug War 2 current online players count per server

19.10.2017 06:50:42
I can't believe I doing this, but I restored patch site and even made new feature. It's reloading configuration file with Control + R.
19.10.2017 13:41:07
hey storm can you please add my chat filter mod to take out curse word filtering in the patch ? heres the link i like to share with everyone
20.10.2017 15:29:11
Hello. Ok, I added new chat filter to my patch... but mine filter.

I like freedom of speech, but not freedom of swear words.
20.10.2017 07:29:10
fair enough as long as i can better read what players are typing im happy , it will help the game loads thanks storm
20.10.2017 07:45:43
Ehm... I removed some words like shit, wtf, GM and others that is common, but added a lot of new words.
My chat filter size is 200kb and original one is 12kb, so I am not sure if you can read it better.
27.11.2017 04:32:22
I tried to download the 7zip file then I extract the file of 7vFM into mythwar2 folder on update. then I run the game, but nothing worked, anything I am missing?
27.11.2017 05:08:00
Did it asked you to replace existing files?
Maybe you just extracted it into some folder inside game installation folder...
You know who
13.03.2018 04:22:45
remove "tit" from the censure list, because it detects
"but i think" as "tit" and shows bu****hink
13.03.2018 05:21:45
Ok. I removed "tit" and "boob" from list. But patch will not autoupdate. You need to redownload it.
15.08.2018 16:08:37
is there anyway to contact you more about myth war? discord skype ect?
15.08.2018 22:26:30
Yes, you can contact me at skype, but I am not planning to add new features if they not easy to make.
11.11.2018 01:01:04
remove sex and bum from filter please :D
28.11.2018 10:06:31
hard to read captcha lol
Ctrl + R reloads patch config file so that it save new sitting that i changed there or i'm mistaken?
06.03.2019 11:31:28
could we get a fix for help other quest for duan that explain's which teleport scroll you need
06.03.2019 11:35:03
Control + R reloads config at runtime and applies changes to the game. For example, you can change health limit for autopotter from 90% to 50% without restarting the game.

I can't fix duan quest. It's server side error. I have no any control over it.
24.04.2019 09:12:02
the captcha is still hard to read
also i tried to change the show messages thingy and it didn't work, had to quit and launch the game again to make it work
24.04.2019 09:40:42
Uhh, maybe there is something wrong with config reload, but it worked for me at autopotter example.

As about captca... It's cool one! So no spamers will bother to solve it.
05.02.2020 06:21:13
Hey Storm. I know this is an old site and you're not playing but wondering if you know how to make the dialogues background solid.
22.02.2020 02:36:27
I reckon you'd have to find which MDA the dialogue window image is in, extract the image, edit it then repack it.
12.05.2020 14:07:34
Um... I never did this before and never did any reasearch on this, So i can't know. Sorry.
12.05.2020 17:36:03
Could you add pet healing to the patch the same as char healing?
13.05.2020 00:05:17
I remember to try doing so at same time as I made characters autopotter, but something went wrong... Maybe... someday... I will... investigate it... again...
13.05.2020 07:10:36
what is new with the patch update? alot of people are saying that keylogger has been added
13.05.2020 07:36:27
Look at last line of patch features section. It's displaying your login in chat window title, so when you have many windows opened you always know what accounts already logged and you will not overlog them by mistake.
Talks about keylogger is just peoples imagination. Patch exist for 9 years and no one been hacked by it yet. I don't have any interest in stealing peoples stuff in game which I don't play.
13.05.2020 07:57:25
OK mate, thank you for your prompt answer. have a nice day.
14.05.2020 10:10:42
Testing email notifications... they seems still broken.
15.05.2020 04:56:00
when you removed the teleporting mouse pointer the mouse pointer got bugged when in battle and your right clicking to change from pet to character cursor or when applying to join a party.. can you add back the teleporting cursor? #77
15.05.2020 05:48:51
Ouch, that was unexpected. I will test it by myself and turn that back if can't fix it.
16.05.2020 02:11:08
I made another attempt to disable teleporting mouse pointer, this time everything looks fine.
16.05.2020 14:11:21
So, if you try to play mw while in a game of LoL or Teamfight Tactics , it takes 10 clicks to register one in mw. Think you can do something about that? x)
16.05.2020 14:15:10
Also, would be great if there would be a way to be able to lock the movement between maps like disable the entrance porters
16.05.2020 22:59:17
I think I can do fast game starter, but need to investigate it first.
As about disabling location teleporter, this is not possible. Server track your character position by itself. No matter what I do, once your character step on tele location - it will teleport.
26.05.2020 13:04:36
Fast game starter is ready, however I doubdt anyone is brave enough to use it :O
28.05.2020 21:55:37
Oh, I finally remembered what were wrong with pets autopotting. I wasn't able to understand how to get current pet HP. It was like you switch pet and current almost dead, but autopotter think you use another pet with full HP.
02.06.2020 08:18:24
i been trying to get this fast launcher to work it will not start the game
02.06.2020 08:25:06
Describe what happening for you or record a video, so I can see it.
02.06.2020 08:28:29
When i follow the video i move the exe to main game folder and make a shortcut then run the shotcut and select server then it run and it closes but game do not popup just doesn't show up
02.06.2020 08:34:45
02.06.2020 08:43:48
Hm, that's weird.
Download this file and put it into game installation directory. Then run it. It will show console window and pause it, so you can make a screen and show me what's written there.
02.06.2020 09:07:05
Also tell me if you have non ASCII letters in game installation path or spaces.
02.06.2020 11:13:12
i can not download it now and the antyvirus are disabled
02.06.2020 11:34:20
If you familiar with *.bat files creation, then create one with text inside:

"Bug War 2 fast starter"

Then place it into game installation directory and run it. This will make console window to stay (not close that fast), so I can see at what step something goes wrong.
02.06.2020 11:36:33
P.S. I tested it even on Windows XP and it's working as expected...
02.06.2020 11:37:46
02.06.2020 11:50:19
This is first time run. I need another screen when it already remember chosen server.
02.06.2020 11:51:04
Can add me on discord RCTRIPS
02.06.2020 11:51:48
Also try to run it without shortcut. Just exe directly in game installation folder. Maybe it will work.
03.06.2020 19:16:12
Hey Storm, i have this issue where if i switch between windows with alt + tab, the game considers me as holding alt down. So when i click on stuff it goes as link, or when i type something shortcuts are accessed. Can something be done about this?
03.06.2020 23:06:20
I am not sure, but will test it.
17.06.2020 13:10:55
Good job guys!
17.06.2020 14:32:44
Unable to determinate carnelian level? What i have to do? Thx
17.06.2020 23:28:29
This happens when one of carnelians bugged as shown on the video tutorials or some of the four bag slots (3, 4, 5 and 6) are empty. This slots should always be filled when you press F1.
18.06.2020 03:11:24
There was a bug that allowed many peoples including you to auth at statistic page as me and view all rolls (since I contributed enough). I fixed it in 0.5.7.
But you still made osme reports, so I can manually transfer them to you, when you do more reports.
28.06.2020 12:19:24
Storm! One feature that would be amazing is to be able to change the npc names color like the whole yellow +Name+ to a different color of our choice or from a set of 4-5 colors. Purple, Orange would be best choices
28.06.2020 23:25:17
What kind of bot will benefit from it? :D
29.06.2020 06:35:16
All actually xD
21.07.2020 20:42:04
When i update the patch config to suppress popups, i have to re start the client. Reload config is not working
21.07.2020 21:53:17
Yes, now I understand this. It can't change certain things at runtime, because they must be set at startup. So config reload works only for a few amount of settings. Maybe just for one - autopotter percentages.
31.08.2020 13:24:50
i wanna created free MW I or II server, anyone have server files?
31.08.2020 22:11:46
If anyone had them we had private server running long ago.
02.10.2020 19:05:45
I have mw server files, anyone know c++? need edit :(
02.10.2020 23:20:51
Many peoples have them. If they was so easy to edit and make them working - we had private server running long ago.
02.10.2020 23:29:08
And to make things clear - you have server sources, not the files. Many peoples have sources and no one have compiled server files.
11.10.2020 05:12:58
Every time when I was using the patch for around 2 hours, A yellow window appeared and said “unable to collocate memory”, when I clicked the screen then followed window “ unable to create NPC/NPC 036b” I tried reinstall the game and changed the pup message No to YES. It didn’t work... can anyone help me? Thanks a lot!
11.10.2020 07:30:13
I think your game installation is corrupted a little (missing some NPC files). You should check if it have "npc/Npc036a.MDA" and "npc/Npc036b.MDA" files. I have the, for example.
12.10.2020 03:36:32
I closed the Fire wall, resintalled the game and also reinstalled my computer system, but it still doesn't work. The situation is i would use the auto patch for robbers event. When the game runs around two hours, the problem will happen. I checked out the NPC files, all is correct.i dont know what can i do now.
12.10.2020 03:51:47
After installation game should autoupdate to version What version you see when start the game?
12.10.2020 03:53:05
How can I send you the screenshot pictures and then you can know my problem better? Thanks a lot.
12.10.2020 03:59:34
My email is written in eleventh message from top.
27.12.2020 09:16:00
Anyone that has any kind of server file for mythwar 1 that can provide I would appreciate. Please let me know and Ill provide contact or just post a link plz.
26.04.2021 03:16:49
need help can you msg on discord or skype
27.11.2021 12:20:09
i need robber bot tips on macrorecorder. any1 can send me? or the shortcut would be perfect
22.01.2022 13:42:02
cant download anything :X
22.01.2022 14:17:52
Just retested every link. They all working. Try in another browser.
19.03.2022 12:33:18
It's private server or it's only patch to TDT version?
19.03.2022 14:46:56
This is patch for mw2 client for TDT server.
19.03.2022 16:21:16
There's a way to play without paying 10$?
20.03.2022 01:41:59
Sadly, I don't know about such way. They probably suffering from low income and want peoples to pay at least for joining.
28.03.2022 16:54:57
Every time when I was using the patch for around 2 hours, A yellow window appeared and said “unable to collocate memory”, when I clicked the screen then followed window “ unable to create NPC/NPC 036b” I tried reinstall the game and changed the pup message No to YES. It didn’t work... can anyone help me? Thanks a lot!

any solution for this?
11.04.2022 09:29:03
Small amount of peoples reported about this in the past, but I don't know the cause of this. Usually patch work fine enough.

Maybe you have missing that 036b npc file?
11.04.2022 12:42:44
I Solved it by cleaning memory ram cache.
29.04.2022 20:35:12
is there a way to hide the error message upon entering battle cause when window minizmed they stack up and cause disconnect as well as the (you have remaining auto seconds) or is that a bad thing? at least the error message
01.05.2022 01:08:07
This is what, probably, SUPRESS_POPUP_MESSAGES = TRUE should be used for, but I am not sure.
20.06.2022 17:10:03
I also regularly get this message "UNABLE TO COLLOCATE MEMORY" and after clearing cache I am still getting it. Any advice?
22.06.2022 07:14:06
#IMPORTANT! How to set values - Format "KEY = VALUE" must be used. Anything like that " KEY = VALUE", "KEY=VALUE", "KEY =VALUE " and etc is incorrect!
#Available positive values: YES, TRUE and 1. Available negative values: NO, FALSE and 0.

#Set to YES if want to start game with ani off by default

#Disables popup messages... Better do not set YES here if you don't know why you need it

#If you set NO, scammer detecter is disabled

#Check intervals in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second)

#Example of values below - if mana drops below 70% a mana potion will be used. Only numeric values is supported!

#Configuracion del pet con el autopot

#Evitar que salga tu cuenta en la ventana
17.08.2022 23:17:41
Can i ask what is the color in Perfect carnelians bonuses statistic mean? (green, blue, yellow....)
is it about the rare or something..?
18.08.2022 03:00:33
This is just to separate bonus types.
Green is stats points and speed.
Orange is Max speel level.
Red is Neglect.
Blue is berserk, crit, combo and counter.
28.10.2022 00:38:00
do we know when the servers will be back up :(
28.10.2022 00:38:05
do we know when the servers will be back up :(
28.10.2022 00:38:09
do we know when the servers will be back up :(
28.10.2022 03:07:51
Only TDT guys know this. I do not have any connections with them.
22.11.2022 23:04:54
Did you ever figure out how to fix the allocate memory problem with the npc missing file?
27.11.2022 14:31:02
So to fix unable to allocate - go to patch config like above and just swap out the save chat log it crashes your client
10.03.2023 19:16:03
Thx for help R2 :)
15.04.2023 15:16:52
hey how are you ^^ hope you will see the message iam trying to use the patch with vmware but the problem i click the game its all cool until the loging screen its just crash! without
the patch all works! any idea?
15.04.2023 15:38:26
Hello. What Windows version you use there (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 100) and it's bitness?
16.04.2023 08:50:13
thx alot for the answer ^^ i use windows 8! the funny part with virtual box it all works! but it lags as hell but with VMware it runs clean! but the patch dont work! with no patch all works!! tried everying in my power to change it! even made fake hardware mask and hiwd fake all so it would be like a real pc but still! when it come to the loging part it just crash
16.04.2023 08:52:23
sry made a mistake i use windows 10!
16.04.2023 15:23:08
Can you archive your VM and upload somewhere? It's interesting why it crashing. I can't help without experiencing same thing. It can be anything.
18.05.2023 06:13:45
why showed roll reported failed
18.05.2023 07:12:01
Always? Since when?
19.05.2023 07:15:16
every roll showed failed xd
19.05.2023 07:17:59
Roll report failed. No response from
19.05.2023 07:18:07
Did it worked before?
19.05.2023 07:21:32
sure.i use that 1 year ago.but i have long time no roll
20.05.2023 10:21:17
Today I rolled half bag of carns and didn't get a single report failure. I also asked in world if someone had failures, but no one reply (but that's as usual).

Maybe you have some change son your side? Like new Windows version, new internet connection? Test if you have access to this site from ingame by pressing control + F1 and see if you get auth or no.
22.05.2023 00:43:39
sure.I changed my internet connection. That's showed you are authorized.
22.05.2023 01:54:42
Internet connection could be a reason. Can you test rolling under VPN some program? Windscribe, for example (it has free usage gigs).
Giany Shuk
11.08.2023 22:51:29
Can you please make a script to add item in bank after doing a right or left click mouse button as its tedious to manage inventory
12.08.2023 01:49:34
That's too pro to make for me. Sorry. I need to modify game logic on right click, add condition there to check if bank open or not, then use item or determine first free slot in bank and send bank packet. Ugh...
06.11.2023 03:39:02
So i have been trying everything so fix the problem with the "Alocate memory error" and it keeps going... I changed the SAVE_CHAT_LOG = NO , i did alredy also change the game folder where the logs are saved to read only , i reinstalled the game and the patch and still always with the same problem. Is there Any real fix to it? I just cleaned the cache and will test now

tho as Kero did ... lets pray
06.11.2023 04:49:54
Try set DO_ROLL_REPORTS = FALSE, maybe it will help...
06.11.2023 10:25:29
So, bad news, i turned off that roll reports and still the same ... i think i have done everything and still the same... I have been playing Mw for years and this never happened to me its the first time ... the worst part is no one can help me fix it ... what should i do ? Any idea ?
06.11.2023 10:32:40
Has anything changed between periods where it never happened to you and when it started to happen? Maybe, Windows upgrade (10 -> 11), change of Windows bitness or something like that?
06.11.2023 10:39:21
Well nothing changed that i know .. And i mean ... if its says its about the "memory" and i have done everything about it, why the hell it keeps getting that problem tho ?
06.11.2023 10:49:12
I can make special versions for you with partially disabled features, you will test them until errors stop, so I will know what causes them. If you agree, tell me how I can connect with you. I have Telegram, Discord, ICQ, Skype, Jabber. Message me your contact info, and I will write you for tests.
07.11.2023 04:45:00
Good morning admin ... i started testing the file u sent ... in 2h +\- i will let u know the result
07.11.2023 07:58:57
Storm it keep crashing with the memory error ... should i unistall all, install all and add the thing u sent me ?
09.11.2023 04:33:54
Hello storm, i think i have good news, if possible check your discord when u have some free time, thank you
09.11.2023 09:17:04
Storm i think i have good news :)
10.11.2023 03:03:18
Morning storm, when possible check discord,ty
11.11.2023 02:09:22
Morning check discord when possible
11.11.2023 09:33:53
check discord when possible
11.11.2023 14:17:41
check discord when possible
13.11.2023 09:53:27
check discord when possible
14.11.2023 01:20:31
So I fixed that "Alocate memory error" thanks to Prayforme tests. I also fixed reading config values (sometimes they was ignored). This is what v0.6 release about.
HOW ??
08.02.2024 04:48:34
How do you make this game work on windows 11???
I installed vc++ 2008 and up, .net 3 and up, DirectX and still get errors for missing DLLs....
Namely: vstdlib, ijl15, tier0,

Any suggestions?
08.02.2024 08:02:57
I personally never used Win11, so don't know anything about this game being incompatible, but check if your game folder have these libs. For me they are there.
08.02.2024 10:19:12
Nope, most folders are empty.
They are def not in the game dir.

I don't think it's win11 specific as I tried in VM with older versions and got same result. Which made me think i was missing something else...

Perhaps the new download from tdt site is broken ?

How can i get a different (maybe older) game archive?
08.02.2024 10:28:46
NVM, I found versions text in the game dir and was able to download older archive. The game updater download some more stuff, but the end result was the same. I guess that was not it either.. :(
08.02.2024 11:23:59
Any suggestions?
Maybe share your copy with the dlls ?
08.02.2024 12:24:55
I archived my own game folder. Download it from here. ANd don't forget to tell when you done, so I will delete it from my cloud (it's using space too much).
08.02.2024 13:49:24
Got it, thx.

The folder diff is huge. Mine is only 89MB, while yours is GBs and yours has significantly more files.
Perhaps tdt did mess up their updater.

AAAND it worked, thank you :3
08.02.2024 15:06:59
The patch config has option to save chat in chat_log dir, but i don't see such dir?
09.02.2024 01:05:08
It will be created automatically. I deleted all personal data from game folder before archiving it. I also deleted patched client_net.dll for a reason and restored original one, so you have to patch it by yourself.
Ah, yes
09.02.2024 05:43:27
Yes, that explains why only auto-fight was working. :D
I figured it out (eventually).

Chat log is nifty feature, but I'm not sure what is it's use case.

Thx, it seems to work now.

How's your plan for taking over the world going on btw? :P
09.02.2024 05:54:03
It's to monitor what's peoples talk about when you away (in-game logs disappear after some time), it's to know who gave you items or money by mistake, when you closed game without noticing it, it's also to remember with who and about what talked in the past.

As about my plan to conquer the world... I still in search for a way to do it :P
16.02.2024 08:36:12
Why does this patch not result in a ban? Is it not DLL injection?
18.02.2024 02:34:15
TDT guys doesn't have solid ways to check if someone use it or no. Also, they doesn't care about it, since it's not giving you exp, tons of gold and etc.
Ginkgo Biloba
18.02.2024 11:12:28
It's great to see the user peak in recent days! I know it's been brought before but could you kindly consider looking into some wizardry around the inventory management to reduce the amount of time spent when moving items. Thank you for this project, so far I really appreciate everything and im sure everybody else does too!
18.02.2024 12:16:13
Sadly, but that's too much work for a game that most likely will close in 1.5 years (TDT contract end date, if that's real). That's really too much work... It's almost same much as all patch features together.
Ginkgo Biloba
19.02.2024 07:20:32
Thank you for the quick response, appreciate it my friend. I hope that the information from your source turns out to be incorrect as this game isn't meant to die.
Ginkgo Biloba
20.02.2024 06:44:07
I've just received some piece of communication straight from the TDT team. They have reassured me that they are still in possession of a long term contract and there are currently no plans of shutting the servers down. THANK GOD!
20.02.2024 07:07:04
Thank you for doing this. That's great news!
21.02.2024 15:33:44
Wait, contract?
Are they like renting the game ???

I thought they bought it from IGG?

I guess that's why so little modifications happen :c
22.02.2024 01:11:22
In the beginning of their mw2 hosting they did "prove" their hosting rights by posting suspicious picture of contract that will end 01.10.2025. It's already deleted by them, but I remember everything. I posted it and it's translation on the forum:
29.02.2024 12:14:09
Can you also make it possible to show mana and speed of target?
29.02.2024 13:02:35
Well... it's possible, and I can, but is this really important for something? Who cares about their MP and speed?..
02.03.2024 14:04:12
speed is important to know exact speed of quest monsters to be able to outspeed them.
Imagine how less often you'd die because you weren't 20 points faster to outspeed vivial or the map that chaoses all the time?

and mp is just for fun i guess... to test how long frailty can last on monsters :D
04.03.2024 13:09:29
Could you give a small amount of insight in as to how you make these little mods for the game? Is it in editing the DLL files? I really want to make a translation of the game since i dont like using english. Also i wouldnt mind giving a crack at this invent manager someone keeps asking about. But i dont know where to start.
04.03.2024 13:47:31
It's injecting own code into the process. This can be done in multiple ways (I choose DLL wrapper). The most important thing about it is... when you ABLE to do it, you do not ask how to do it. If you ask how it's done, you are far from doing it. You need to learn a lot about reverse engineering.

As about displaying monsters speed, I will do it some day. It was too long ago, so I forgot where to look for speed :O
07.03.2024 10:14:28
I've been using Dependencies from lucasg github to read all the files, tryna figure it all out but not a lot is written clearly.
08.03.2024 10:29:52
Roll some gear 40 times with single carnealian lvl 100-149.

How i do that? ill do with x3 carn same lvl and the report dont count it
08.03.2024 10:31:06
DO_ROLL_REPORTS = TRUE i have this already
08.03.2024 12:26:18
It has to be exactly what is written. Single carnelian. It's like: lvl127, empty, empty, empty.
26.04.2024 10:26:24
I was wondering if you knew where i could find some CE tables for mythwar anywhere? Been working on my own for the last month assuming they would all be lost before i remembered you might know where some are
26.04.2024 10:26:29
I was wondering if you knew where i could find some CE tables for mythwar anywhere? Been working on my own for the last month assuming they would all be lost before i remembered you might know where some are
26.04.2024 10:26:29
I was wondering if you knew where i could find some CE tables for mythwar anywhere? Been working on my own for the last month assuming they would all be lost before i remembered you might know where some are
26.04.2024 10:30:12
Huh... what is CE table?
26.04.2024 12:22:42
im suprised :O
26.04.2024 12:22:43
im suprised :O
26.04.2024 14:36:18
Ouch, I don't have any and don't know any location for them. I don't even understand what you planning to do with them, since this game is client-server architecture and editing anything on client is usually useless (not always through :D).
27.04.2024 03:14:48
haha i didnt mean it badly. To be able to do what you've done without cheat engine is amazing. I'm trying to find certain functions such as the ones that activate when you use and item or open a menu so that I can call those functions manually to make better hotkeys for the game. With CE its easy to get a jumping off point for findings functions like that by find the values that change when you interact and you can narrow it down from 60 million to just a few 100 within a few seconds.

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